Category: Healthy @ Home BLOG

Coronavirus and the Holidays

COVID-19 has changed every part of our lives this year and the holidays are no exception. This year you will just have to be creative (and honest) about the healthiest way to celebrate the holidays with loved ones. Take it as an opportunity to create new traditions, and reflect on what truly brings you joy this [...]
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Holiday Happiness

The holiday season is upon us bringing with it cool winter air, treats galore, maybe a bit more online shopping than previous years, and that comraderie that seems to infect everyone, making people smile more readily (the smiles may just be hidden under masks right now, but they’re there!). But, there’s a darker side to the [...]
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Eating Healthy Over the Holidays

Let's be honest, eating healthy over the holidays can be hard. The key word this holiday season is going to be balance. Food is not a reward nor is exercise a punishment for eating. Keep that in mind this holiday season. That being said, you can enjoy the holiday season with balance by sticking with your normal [...]
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Creating Healthier, Holiday Traditions

As the holiday season has quickly approached, you may be wondering how you're going to enjoy the holidays and certain traditions given the way COVID-19 has changed almost every part of our lives. This holiday season will most likely look very different for many of us. Take it as an opportunity to find new ways to [...]
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Diabetes Awareness Month

Wishing someone “Happy Diabetes Awareness Month” is not quite the same as a “Happy Birthday,” but it’s important nonetheless (it just involves less cake). November asks us to bring diabetes awareness to the forefront, and in these Covid-heavy times, awareness and even moreso, prevention, of diabetes is more necessary than ever. While having diabetes does not [...]
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8 Easy Exercise You Can Do with a Pumpkin

Try out this healthy Halloween Pumpkin workout! Depending on your fitness level, complete 10-20 repetitions of each exercise and 1-3 sets of each. 1 | Oblique Taps Rotate the pumpkin from side to site, gently tapping the pumpkin on the ground on each side. 2 | Squats Hold the pumpkin at chest height and perform a squat. [...]
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Fall foods with empty plate

Enjoying Fall’s Best Foods

The leaves on the trees are changing, the morning air is crisp,  and the days are getting a little shorter. There is no other season quite like fall to step back and take in all the beauty it has to offer. The changing of seasons also ushers in a new selection of produce to enjoy. From [...]
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Get Your Pink On

October typically conjures images of orange pumpkins, black bats, red leaves, and yellow candy…not pink. Pink is the color of February and hearts and flowers, and not autumnal October. But, with October comes Breast Cancer Awareness month, marked on the calendars of countries across the world, where we are encouraged to “Think Pink.” With 458,000 deaths [...]
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Age, It’s Just a Number

Whether we like it or not, we all age. Our bodies change daily, and no amount of fitness, creams, botox, prayer, denial, or surgery can stop the relentless march of time’s effects on the body. We are lucky to live in an age where our lives have been extended through better nutrition and medical care, but [...]
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The Times, They are a-Changin’

I had planned to write this month about taking care of oneself as the kids are returning to school—finding the time amidst the notebook and pencil shopping and new clothes purchases and last minute meetings and play dates to breathe and focus, too, on you…but if one thing is certain these days, it’s that nothing is [...]
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