Category: Workplace Weight Loss

How does Facebook relate to wellness?

Comscore has been releasing information about the amount of time consumers are spending at popular Internet destinations.  For a long time, Google was where people spent the most  time.  But last year that changed.  Last autumn Facebook beat our Google as the place that Internet users spent the most time each day.  As the months have [...]
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incentaHEALTH co-founder presents wellness framework at International Conference on Commercial Driver Health and Wellness

Todd McGuire, COO/CTO of incentaHEALTH, will speak today at the International Conference on Commercial Driver Health and Wellness in Baltimore, MD. The event is being hosted by Transportation Research Board of the National Academies and is being held at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel from November 8-10, 2010. Under the tagline “Research on the Health and Wellness [...]
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USDA releases preview of Food Pyramid changes for 2011

USDA Food Pyramid The USDA has released preliminary information about the next round of changes coming to the Food Pyramid.  First published in 1980, the Dietary Guidelines are mandated by Congress to be reviewed, updated and released by USDA and HHS every five years. Based on the material being released, it is clear that obesity is [...]
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Interesting visualization of obesity prevalence in the U.S.

Jeffrey Heer, a professor at Stanford, has a some neat data visualizations on his web site.  They are part of a nice story he co-wrote in the June issue of the Communications of the ACM about different ways to visualize data.  On his site, you can manipulate this graph below and see the rise in obesity [...]
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Inspiring incentaHEALTH success story

The most rewarding part about being a member of the incentaHEALTH team is hearing success stories from our customers. One of our participants in Michigan has had an amazing transformation while participating in the incentaHEALTH wellness program.  We know we're having an impact when we see stories of how our customers make positive improvements in their [...]
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78% of employers surveyed plan to expand wellness efforts

In the latest survey conducted by the Midwest Business Group on Health, 78% of the employers surveyed indicated that it is more important than ever to keep their workers healthy and motivated to adopt healthy lifestyles.  While there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the latest health care legislation, employers are in agreement that improving employee [...]
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incentaHEALTH Announces Online Wellness ROI Calculator for Employers

Today we are excited to announce a new tool for employers looking to quantify the reduction in health care costs that can result from a wellness program. By visiting the "Measurable Results" section of, employers can enter the number of employees in their company and calculate how much the incentaHEALTH Wellness Program should save in [...]
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