Healthy Habits For Whole Body Health

Hopefully you’ve developed some healthy habits and routines with the help of our program. Don’t throw it all aside for the remainder of the year! Whether you’re planning holiday meals, getting together with friends, traveling, or at work – stick with your healthy habits. When you’re eating healthy, exercising, and sleeping well – you’re equipping your body to fight off viruses and manage stress, anxiety, and depression.

Lean On Your Healthy Eating Habits

Just because there’s a tray of cookies out, doesn’t mean you have to eat it! Graciously turn down sweets offered in the office or at a friend or family member’s house. (Also eat the cookie if you want! Just do it consciously, not mindlessly.) If you know you’re going to be busy, plan your healthy meals ahead of time or stock your fridge and pantry with healthy, portable food options so you’re less likely to swing through the drive-thru for convenience.

How To Stay Healthy While Traveling

If you’re traveling over the holidays, try not to let it disrupt your routine. Eat a healthy well-balanced meal before you go and/or pack healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, or low-sugar granola bars when traveling. Try to still make time for exercise – even if you’re unable to use your home equipment or go to the gym. Go for a morning run or walk or make time for some bodyweight exercises.

Pay Attention To Your Whole Health

While the holidays are usually a time of happiness and celebration, it can also be a time of anxiety, sadness, stress and loneliness for some. Pay attention to your own mental health. If you’re feeling down, don’t isolate yourself, stay connected with friends and family. Try to stay active. Physical activity plays an important role in preventing and reducing symptoms of depression. Seek the support you need whether that’s sharing with a trusted friend or family member, or seeking the guidance of a health care professional.