Cracking the Code for Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in partnership with Federally Qualified Health Centers

Since 2003, incentaHEALTH has been known for its durable behavior change and unique ability to “meet people where they are” to offer engaging, effective, and evidence-based weight management programs. Initially focused solely on weight management, incentaHEALTH has grown to offer a virtual diabetes prevention program called #PreventDiabetes.  The digital platform has received preliminary recognition from the CDC.  Research shows that outcomes associated with incentaHEALTH programs lead to a decrease in obesity rates and chronic disease prevalence, including diabetes. (Photo courtesy of

Based on research such as the Journal of General Internal Medicine (JGIM) that inspired one of incentaHEALTH’s health plan partners to use incentaHEALTH to provide expanded resources to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Safety Net Clinics, and Community Health Centers (CHCs). The goal of this partnership was to improve health and self-advocacy of FQHC patients and providers, with individual clinical goals aligned to address social determinants of health and chronic disease prevention. The use of a technology-based weight loss incentive program is attractive to health plans and clinics alike in order to provide weight management and diabetes prevention resources to all members and patients. The JGIM research study identified strong adoption by those susceptible to health disparities. 

Clinic feedback has been positive, with one partner stating, “Many individuals in our community will benefit from the lifestyle changes this program encourages. We are excited for the opportunity to host the kiosk and look forward to seeing the positive health outcomes achieved with our patients and in the community.” Over 15 FQHCs, Safety Net Clinics, and CHCs have partnered with incentaHEALTH to benefit from better health outcomes and cost savings for their patients.   

For others looking to engage the uninsured or underinsured populations through FQHCs or Safety Net Clinics, incentaHEALTH provides population-specific marketing materials, such as exam room posters in English and Spanish. Barriers are removed for the patient with bilingual programming and personalized coaching to address individual barriers and motivators. This data is then used with the clinics to further address environmental barriers, such as no access to healthy food or no safe place to exercise.

The program is known to engage even the hardest to reach populations. The average participant has an average starting BMI of 34, with all race and ethnicity types represented—and sometimes overrepresented (research shows incentaHEALTH attracted a 4x reach with African Americans). Scalable technology is integrated into the platform, including the use of incentaHEALTH’s patented HEALTHspot Scale, available as a unit for the clinic or in the patient’s home through a wireless home scale. The coaching platform is available in app (iOS and Android), online, and through text and email.

Please contact incentaHEALTH for a personalized demo of how we can help engage your population in better health!