NPR Series of Obesity in America

NPR is running a fascinating series on obesity in America.  There are a number of stories on the social, medical and economic impacts of obesity.  One of the items they have is an infographic showing some eye-opening trends related to obesity.  The ones about increases portion size over the years are quite stunning.

NPR Popcorn Portion Size Example
NPR Popcorn Portion Size Example

For instance, take a look at this comparison of movie theater popcorn sizes.  Portion distortion is one of the recurring skills that we spend a lot of time coaching our incentaHEALTH participants on.  For most people in the U.S. it’s impossible to go throughout the day and not be faced with at least one 0versized meal option.  Learning simple ways to successfully navigate these challenges is a key to the long term success we’re seeing with our customers.

Obesity Trends
Obesity Trends Infographic from

Here is a link to the min-site they have set up around obesity.